Established in the Spring of 2023, on the 1st of September - the beginning of the Zulu calendar, Zuri Manor House is the home of the story and the ideal place to fill up the luxury of time.

Stories created here are a bridge to connection and expansion as our resident author tells tales that inspire, entertain and articulate the value of the human story.

What makes our house unique is how our work exists not only to connect with the wider world through words and imagination, but also to curate a lifestyle around reading for connoisseurs of leisure to enjoy.

"Growing up I read books to expand my horizons through imagination. Books have never been an escape to me, they've always been a way; a door, a channel to the wider world, to more, to variety. Books share the possibilities of feelings, of perspective, of places, of interests and hobbies and create a space to insert oneself into that and imagine then reimagine. That's what Zuri Manor House embodies; a call to the wider world through words and stories - through connection. Connection is and will always be important to me, it is the point of all I do. Connecting within myself then to others and others to each other. That's why Zuri Manor House had to be a home, because in all my years of living that's what I imagine is the purpose of one. Connection and expansion. ” — Nona Zuri, founder of Zuri Manor House.

The house stands on four pillars. The Book Atelier, home to written works by Nona Zuri. The Trust, an effort to make reading more accessible. A lifestyle range for Persons Who Read and Better Than Fiction, our house magazine.